· Get complete tinnitus relief ·

six steps solution

The following steps are equally effective for all forms of chronic tinnitus.


· exclude objective cause ·

First, please visit your ENT specialist to rule out any objective causes, such as an ear infection, acoustic trauma, etc. In 99% objective cause is excluded. 

· understand the real cause of tinnitus ·

You may be surprised that the root cause of tinnitus isn’t associated with the ears themselves but with improper functioning of the brain’s filtering mechanisms. This underlying issue can be addressed and fixed. These insights were first discovered by neurologist Dr. Pawel J. Jastreboff and are explained in detail in the book “I Cured My Tinnitus”.



· Measure your tinnitus and see first results in 2 weeks·

Daily tinnitus measurement in combination with TRT sound therapy aims directly at the root cause of tinnitus and disconnects your brain’s fixation on tinnitus and calms your tinnitus down. You will see measurable results in a few weeks. The invention of easy-to-do tinnitus measurement was a game changer in Peter’s cure.

· Get stress relief & better sleep ·

Lowering stress levels often leads to lowering tinnitus. 

Manage stress and anxiety, including techniques to improve sleep, etc. Two highly recommended approaches are Somatic Experiencing, by Dr. Peter A. Levine, and healing trauma, based on the work of Bessel Van Der Kolk.



· Get spine & jaws Checked ·

Work with a physiotherapist who can assist in fixing issues with the spine and jaws. Effective techniques for tinnitus are:

  • The Pete Egoscue method
  • The McKenzie method
  • Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization by Kolar
  • Trigger point therapy by Travell and Simons

· Make diet changes ·

Bad food choices may have a huge impact on your tinnitus volume. Certain foods may make your tinnitus louder, while others may help to reduce its intensity. By avoiding these problematic foods and incorporating tinnitus-friendly options into your diet, you may be able to experience great relief from your tinnitus.


Do You Want To know how to start?

Find all information in the #1 Best Selling book – I cured my Tinnitus

Paperback:  $16.99

Kindle:           $11.90