Can you travel by plane with tinnitus?

5 tips to feel safe when traveling by plane with tinnitus
Tinnitus travel

With the holidays around the corner, many people are preparing for long plane trips. Here are five tips to help ensure your safety during your flight:

  1. Wear earplugs in the airport until you are seated on the airplane to reduce exposure to loud engine noises.
  2. Try to secure a seat at the front or back of the airplane (depending on the aircraft’s make) to avoid sitting close to the wings where the engines are located.
  3. Chew gum during the flight to help alleviate ear discomfort and pressure changes.
  4. If the sound level in the airplane is lower than 65 dB, you may use your TRT device. If it’s higher, noise-canceling headphones with soothing music can be used instead. If the sound level exceeds 75 dB, it’s best to wear earplugs.
  5. The same guidelines apply to helicopters. Ask the pilot to reduce the volume on your intercom if necessary.

By following these tips, you can have a safer and more comfortable flight experience.

Find more in the book – I cured my Tinnitus.

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